
Due to the sensitive nature of many of our engagements and our strict adherence to confidentiality, names have been withheld for most of these testimonials; however references are available upon request.
“I hired Jane while I was CEO of one of the largest healthcare systems in the US, and we were looking to maximize the potential of our senior leaders. I went on to work with her on a number of projects including succession planning for my position. Jane did 360 degree interviews on both internal candidates, and, ultimately, sat down with the board of directors alone, without me, to give them her report. I had complete confidence in her ability to put together and present the material to the board. I also greatly respected her ability to create boundaries and a process that respected the confidentiality for all the parties involved.
Jane is a really good listener. She is dialed into getting information and does it in a way that allows people to feel good about contributing. She makes it very clear that she is really paying attention to what is being said and wants to gather not only the words that are being said, but the intention of the words underneath that.”
—Former President and CEO of a National Healthcare System
“Rich helped me adopt new communication methods that have been incredibly effective in getting consensus and understanding of our goals and priorities with our executive team. We’ve experienced a huge improvement on how we create and implement strategy.”
—Chief Transformational Officer, Regional Healthcare System
“It’s clear from the get-go that Jane has studied long and hard to be an effective coach. She holds people accountable to deal with whatever the issues are. Jane helped me with a gap analysis to identify areas to work on to be more successful. I’ve had a pretty steep trajectory in my career, and I owe a lot of it to Jane and her ability to help me develop a plan, stick with it and continuously learn and grow.”
—Physician Executive, President Regional Division of a National Healthcare System
“Rich is exceptional at sharing insights, readings from outside experts, and case examples from his own career experience that are pertinent to solving the problems we’re working on. Many of these concepts and resources have been shared and adopted across our whole organization.”
—CAO, Regional Healthcare System
“We were confident as individuals, but as a team we had blind spots and didn’t work as well as we should. Working with Jane and Rich, we’ve become a better performing executive team. The last three years have been the highest grossing years for our system in terms of patient growth and activity. Having a well-oiled leadership team has definitely been a driver of that success.”
—C-Suite Executive Team Member, Regional Healthcare System